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Do You Live To Eat Or Do You Eat To Live?

Except for those who live to eat, everyone else eats to live. Similarly, just as we NEED food in order to live, we need GOALS in order to stay alive. Our goals inspire us, they ignite a fire in us that keeps us alive on the inside. I have always said this and I will say it again; each one of us was born to accomplish a very specific task here on earth. Nobody was born a seat-filler.

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Name your problem, and you name your possibility!

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Animals never cease to amaze me, and when I say animals I don’t just mean dogs because they are my favorite animals but I mean animals of all kinds, except creepy crawlies like snakes and crabs which creep the living daylights out of me. I don’t know why but this past week I received a lot of animal-related clips and messages from friends, all having some very interesting takeouts. 

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