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When things go as unplanned

July 31, 2012

Life has a way of throwing surprises at us when we least expect them; but then again that's why they are called surprises, right? Some of them leave us on top of the moon while others leave us rock bottom. Either way, I can bet my last dime that we have all passed through these surprises at one time or another in our lives. For instance, today I was in the office working on a document when suddenly the application I was using just shut down, erasing everything I had been working on for several hours. My idea was to finish the document before going for lunch, but clearly, that plan was thrown out of the window.

In frustration, I decided to switch on the Tv to relax my mind and stop myself from screaming. It was slightly after 1pm EAT, and so Citizen @ 1 was on. They were showing the representatives from #TeamKenya for the ongoing London Olympics as they arrived at the JKIA, before they took off for London. They looked so excited and confident and I just couldn't help but say a prayer for them, hoping they all get the medals they are going for.

As I was watching that news clip, I remembered a clip I had watched sometimes back about an athlete who was competing in the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. He looked so confident when he was starting… but things didn't go as he had expected. I went back to youtube to look for this clip and I have to admit by the time I was done watching it, my eyes were all teary… even as I write this post, I still feel teary. After you watch it, tell me what you think.

I don't want to water down the message you will get from the clip; all I'd like to add is that no matter what you are going through, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and hop towards the finish line. At the end of it all, its not whether you win or not, its the fact that you were resilient enough to withstand the pain of your situation to do the right thing…. not giving up half-way.



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Oh my! What an inspirational piece! Liz, keep it up. You have no idea what sharing such stories do to some of us, who could be on the verge of giving up on sth we thought was challenging . Oh my.

Thanks Tim for your feedback. It is people like you who inspire me to keep writing and motivating/inspiring us all. I am glad the post inspired you.... Have a blessed day and share the inspiration with others.

This is really inspiring and yes brings a tear to ones eye, but for the better gives us the strength the heart, the fuel, the drive, the thirst to keep going keep moving and never giving up. Thanks liz....

You are most welcome Chomo. I hope and pray it helped changed your view of whatever situation you are in right now....


  • It’s not what happens that matters but how you react (to what happens) that matters
  • It’s not about the situation or the circumstance, it’s about you in it
  • Things only have the meaning we give them
  • People only treat you the way you let them 

God bless and see/meet you at the finish line.....

I was inspired immensely when you were talking about setting smart goals at Mara Foundation and that YouTube Clip almost made me cry. You are amazing. Thanks for sharing your story.

Thanks alot Dennis for your reading this post and for sending your feedback. I am glad you made it to come for the session and hopefully, now you have a completely new view of the importance of setting goals.

I have to admit (I did admit it actually on that day) that this video clip always makes me cry every time I watch it. I had to hold back tears too when I played it that evening. Whenever I feel so down and almost giving up, I come back to this post to gain the inspiration I need to move on.

As for my story, what I shared is a very small section. If you can, look for the current issue of Onspot Magazine and read yet another one of my stories that will definitely encourage you.

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Have a blessed day and week ahead of you, and don't forget to share the blog and its social media platforms with your network.

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