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Liz's blog

The Red Boat

Anyone encountered the traffic cops in Dar lately? Let me put it this way; assume your car is an essay, and you need to get the highest marks possible from your teacher. What would you have to do to make sure you do? For starters, you’d have to make sure your essay is within the topic given to you by your teacher, then make sure you adhere to all the other requirements given, and of course make sure your grammar is correct.

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Tiny Moment

There’s nothing as bad as getting lost on the way to some place you’ve never been to before, yet the GPS on your system tells you that you’ve reached your destination, but when you look around there is no way your destination can be anywhere near where you are. Why? Because the entire place is just bush and shrubs, yet you are sure you were not going to a camping site but someone’s residence, even though you were going for a bootcamp.

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Defy Your Circumstances, Redefine Your story.

Happy new month, the twelfth and last month of the year.

Today I’d like to start by sharing a trivia question. As you read the transcript below which I got from the Goal Cast YouTube channel, see whether you can try and guess who the story is describing before you actually get to see his name. Here goes...

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Beware Of Being Complacent

Resist And It Will Desist

How You See You

If you do follow me on social media, then you must have noticed that I continued with the subject of procrastination, a subject that I started last week. Based on feedback I received from that article, I decided to delve deeper into the various reasons why people tend to procrastinate.

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Overcoming Procrastination

How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything
